A Revolution in Maternal Wellbeing

Our Promise

In Tigrinya, one of the nine languages spoken in Eritrea, Awet means victory. Here at Awet, it’s our name and our promise. We believe every mother deserves to be victorious. Not just as a protector and provider for her children, but as a woman pursuing her passions and dreams without sacrificing herself.

Our Vision

We want mothers to feel alive.

The days of mommas disappearing into the shadows of their lives are over. We’re creating a world where we’re the first example our kids see of declaring our dreams and doing what it takes to get there. We’re done just surviving motherhood. We are blazing through with full self-knowing and fierce joy.

Imagine what will become of a generation seeing their mothers:

  • Choose themselves without guilt

  • Pursue their passions without apology

  • Say "no" to what drains them and "yes" to what lights them up

  • Stand in their power instead of shrinking to meet expectations

  • Create lives that reflect their deepest truths and not society's narrow scripts

They won’t need to be taught about self-worth because they will inherit it. They won’t question whether their dreams are too big because they’ll have watched dreams get set and reached, and seen the power of pivot when things don’t go to plan. They’ll have everything they need.

Our Values

Mommas have been birthing since the beginning of time. Indigenous knowledge and cultures worldwide honor and acknowledge the rebirth of the woman that comes with creating life inside of her. This transformation should be a sacred time of self-exploration, safety, ritual, and deep care.

Liberated mommas are a lighthouse for others. Every step toward transformation creates a crack in the old stories of what motherhood “should” look like. At Awet, we’re cultivating that change through:



Every program, service, and resource we offer is built on the power of collective wisdom and shared experience.




There are no filtered versions of motherhood here. We celebrate the raw, the real, and the messy, beautiful truth of what it means to be postpartum – because postpartum never ends.




Liberation comes in many forms. We believe in your right to define motherhood for yourself with your culture and values at the forefront and use that as our true north to create the most aligned experience possible.


Our Visionary

Hey y’all, I’m Victoria.

I was the mom constantly achieving but who secretly felt miserable inside. Everything changed when I finally admitted that my life as a mom and business owner wasn't the life I wanted. I stopped forcing myself to fit into other people's expectations and then I got to building a life designed by me.

That journey showed me something crucial: I was lost after going from a career-driven to a mom-driven identity. I needed safe spaces, real support, deep community, and permission to let it all fall apart.

That's why I created Awet—because I believe that when mothers have the support to consistently choose themselves without guilt, to rest without justification, and to dream without limits, they don't just transform their own lives. They create a new model of motherhood for everyone.